multi-ingredient weight loss products

Apple Cider Vinegar with Centella by Ageless Company

ACTION: Stimulates metabolism, suppresses the appetite.

SOLD AS: Liquid.

INGREDIENTS: Apple cider vinegar is made from fresh apples and contains chlorine, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, silicon, and centella. Centella (Centella asiatica) is also known as pennywort or wild violet and is native to Africa, India, and Australia. The ancient Indians .ate the leaves to ward off aging.

HOW TO TAKE IT: The company advises mixing 2 level dessert spoons (about 4 teaspoons) of bran with 2 teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with Centella and adding this mixture to oatmeal, yogurt, or fruit and eating it in the morning.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: The commercials declare that Apple Cider Vinegar with Centella is used worldwide to curb appetite, detoxify the body, enhance the immune system, and help metabolism in using up food effectively. Since this product provides the fiber pectin, the manufacturer says it assists to eliminate cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure. This strategy is also reportedly helpful with varicose veins and skin lesions because it has an effect on the collagen matrix and the support structure in the skin.

COMMENTS: You don’t see any reliable research studies to support the promises made about this product.