thermogenic fat burners

Guarana extract supplements review for weight loss


MANUFACTURERS/BRAND NAMES(S): Natrol, Nature’s Answers, among others.

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Thermogenic agent. Guarana is a creeping shrub that grows in the Amazon. It bears small, bright red fruit that contains a black seed, which is the part of the plant used for medicinal purposes.
SOLD AS: Powder, syrup, capsules, tincture.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: Almost all the proof that guarana supports weight reduction is anecdotal. Many South American Indian tribes, particularly the Guaranis, for whom this plant is named, use guarana as a stimulant. It is the major component in a popular Brazilian beverage called Guarana Soda. Scientific studies in animals and in humans have proposed that guarana raises actual physical stamina and memory, and that it has antibacterial features. ‘

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: Guarana seeds consist of a number of ingredients that seem to be accountable for its weight-loss properties. One is tetramethylxanthine (present at a level of up to 5.8 percent), an ingredient that is very similar to caffeine. When ingested, this caffeine like compound is discharged slowly in the body over 4 to 6 hours, so the energy enhancement it gives is not like the striking quick peak caffeine brings about. Substances called saponins appear to be one reason guarana has this long-lasting effect.
Two other stimulating ingredients found in guarana, but in smaller amounts, are theobromine and theophylline. Theobromine is the stimulant found in chocolate, and theophylline is a related compound. It is just slightly stimulating and is used to treat asthma. Together these three compounds stimulate the body’s metabolic process. .

HOW TO TAKE IT: To use the tincture, producers advise adding 1/2 to 1 mL tincture to water 2 to 3 times a day. For capsules (usually 200 mg), the standard dosage is 1 to 2 once a day with water, either before breakfast or before lunch. Guidelines for preparing powders and syrups vary by manufacturer. Avoid taking guarana late in the day, as it may cause insomnia.

SIDE EFFECTS: When used as advocated, no serious side effects have been reported. Since it has caffeinelike qualities, guarana may cause insomnia, trembling, anxiety, urinary frequency, and heart palpitations. Long-term use could cause a decline in fertility and cardiovascular disease.

PRECAUTIONS: In 1998, the FDA conducted a test of fourteen over-the-counter products that claimed to contain guarana. The agency reported that “a number of these products may not contain authentic guarana as an active ingredient or contain less than the declared quantity of guarana.” If you plan to purchase guarana, look for a reliable, well-established manufacturer.  Guarana is not recommended if you are pregnant, as it may harm the fetus, or if you have heart disease.

Weight Loss Products containing Guarana

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