metabolic stimulators

Citrus aurantium extract for weight loss by Natrol

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Thermogenic agent. Citrus aurantium is derived from the citrus rinds of the bitter orange while the fruit is still green.

SOLD AS: Capsules, typically 250 mg.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: Citrus aurantium has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat indigestion and to promote circulation and liver health. Much of the evidence about the weight-loss ability of citrus aurantium is anecdotal and has been passed down from generation to generation in various cultures. A scientific study conducted in 1999 looked at the’ anti-obesity effects of an extract of citrus aurantium in rats. The researchers did find that the extract “significantly reduced food intake and body weight gain” in the rats. Studies in people, however, are lacking.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO; Citrus aurantium is a rich source of flavonoids, vitamins A, B, and C, and several alkaloids that have the ability to break down fat and raise resting metabolism levels. Two of these alkaloids are synephrine and nobiletin. Small amounts of synephrine can increase energy and improve digestion, and nobiletin protects against some cancers and regulates secretions in the ‘intestinal tract. A combination of citrus aurantium and moderate physical activity is reported to be very effective in weight loss.

HOW TO TAKE IT: A typical dosage of citrus aurantium is generally 1 capsule per day, with food.

SIDE EFFECTS: Citrus aurantium has no known side effects, although studies are limited. Unlike some other thermogenic substances, such as ephedra (ephedrine), citrus aurantium supposedly does not increase heart rate or blood pressure or cause agitation.

PRECAUTIONS: Although no studies have shown it to be harmful to pregnant or breast-feeding women, it is best to avoid this supplement during pregnancy and lactation.

Weight Loss Products containing Citrus aurantium

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metabolic stimulators

GLA supplements for weight loss – Gamma linolenic acid pills

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: An essential fatty acid that acts as a metabolic stimulator. It has a crucial function in the production of hormone like substances called prostaglandins, which carry out a variety of important functions in the body.

SOLD AS: GLA is found”in evening primrose oil, borage oil, and black currant oil, all of which are available in capsules or softgels. Evening primrose oil is the most common of the three oils. When choosing evening primrose oil based products, product that has 35 to 40 mg GLA per 500-mg capsule.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: A number of scientific studies propose that GLA encourages weight loss in people who have not lost weight even after subsequent suitable reduced-calorie plans. But in a 12-week, double-blind research of seventy-four obese women, experts discovered that those women who took evening primrose oil did not lose considerably more weight than the women who were given a placebo.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO There is a type of fat called brown fat.which is important in the conversion of food into energy. There is a hypothesis that when people take in extreme amounts of food, an immediate conversion of brown fat happens so as to stabilize an overproduction of white fat, helping to make up the greater part of fat on your body. Some specialists think that this conversion process is jeopardized in some people and contributes to obesity. Thus, they suggest that supplementing with GLA will help promote brown-fat activity, therefore raising fat metabolism.

According to Dr. Elson M. Haas, author of Staying Healthy with Nutrition, in principle GLA improves cell metabolism and assists in maintaining the water and electrolyte balance in the body.

HOW TO TAKE IT: Experts say the advisable daily doses of GLA can be carried out if you take either of the following 2 to 3 times per day: 500 to 1,000 mg of borage oil or evening primrose oil, or 100 to 200 mg of black currant oil.

SIDE EFFECTS: No side effects have been reported when GLA is used as directed.

PRECAUTIONS: No precautions have been allotted to GLA.

laxatives popular

Senna laxative and tea for weight loss

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Laxative. Senna comes from the leaves of a shrub developed in northern Africa, India, and the Middle East. SOLD AS: Capsules, tablets, extract, tea.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: The employment of senna as a laxative dates back before 1000 A.D supposedly to Egypt in the sixteenth century B.C. mentioning senna as being recommended by medical professionals for the elite.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: Senna consists of compounds called senno-Spirulina (Spirulina maxima and Spirulina platensis) ides, which energize the colon. In terms of weight loss, at best senna can cause a temporary loss of water weight.

HOW TO TAKE IT: Senna is suggested for extreme cases of constipation, and never as a weight-loss aid. For the extract,specialists advise taking 1/2 to 1 teaspoon once daily for no more than 3 days. Researchers warn that if you employ the tea, do not drink more than 2 cups per day for up to 3 days.

SIDE EFFECTS: If senna is used in addition to a diuretic, like caffeine, guarana, uva ursi, or tea, you can get violent diarrhea, severe cramps, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, and electrolyte imbalance (loss of the minerals calcium, magnesium, and potassium). This could be particularly hazardous for those who have cardiovascular disease.

PRECAUTIONS: Avoid the use of senna for more than 3 consecutive days. Long-term usage of senna can result in dependence on laxarives. Chronic use may also cause reversible clubbing of the finĀ· gers and toes, loss of appetite, and serious nutritional deficiencies, as well as discoloration of the lining .of the colon and laxative-induced diarrhea. One or more study has found a “cancer-promoting effect of chronic sennoside use.” Avoid the use of senna if you are pregnant or nursing. Senna passes into breast milk and may cause diarrhea in breast-fed infants.

Best Diet Pills containing Senna


1. Bowtrol – This is the most effective colon cleansing product containing Cascara Sagrada, Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) , Flax Seeds and Senna.

Try Bowtrol

lemonade diet pill

2. Lemonade Diet Pills

Celebrities have been using the Lemon Cleanse or Master Cleanse for decades in order to achieve quick weight loss results and detoxify their bodies. The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet Pill has all the same natural ingredients as The Master Cleanse- Lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.

But now all these ingredients have been conveniently combined into a weight loss pill – Lemonade Diet pill.

Try Lemonade Diet Pills

Weight Loss Products containing Senna

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laxatives popular

Psyllium husk and fiber for weight loss

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Husks from the seeds of the psyllium plant are ground into a source of soluble fiber having a number of effects and benefits.

SOLD AS: Seeds, powdered husks (loose), in capsules, and as the laxative Metamucil colon cleanse.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: Couple of reports have looked at the role psyllium plays in losing weight, but a majority have investigated its benefits in people with high cholesterol levels and other fats. These recent studies show that fiber, and in particular psyllium, helps in reducing cholesterol and fat levels in the blood. Especially, a meta-analysis of sixty-seven studies performed by researchers at Harvard School of Public Health discovered that psyllium, in addition to oat bran, guar gum, and pectin, reduced cholesterol and fat levels. Psyllium also slows down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, which could improve blood-sugar levels in diabetics.

PRODUCT CLAIMS: Psyllium is rich in fiber and a jellylike substance called mucilage. When psyllium makes contact with water, the mucilage absorbs the fluid, that might produce a sense of fullness. This may lessen appetite .

HOW TO TAKE IT: Herbalists’ suggested daily dose is 1 teaspoon of the husks or up to 2 teaspoons of the powdered seed, which are stirred into an 8-ounce glass of water and drunk instantly before it thickens. Drink plenty of fluids (preferably water) throughout the day.

SIDE EFFECTS: Psyllium is generally safe when taken as suggested, but it may cause abdominal cramps, bloating, and flatulence in some people.

PRECAUTIONS: Take psyllium at various times than other nutritional supplements, and do not take with water-soluble supplements (e.g., the B vitamins or vitamin C). Psyllium should invariably be taken with lots of water, both when utilizing the supplement and during the day. Those who have bowel obstruction should not take psyllium.

Best Diet Pills containing Psyllium husk and/or similar ingredients


1. Bowtrol – This is the most effective colon cleansing product containing Cascara Sagrada, Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) , Flax Seeds and Senna.

Try Bowtrol

lemonade diet pill

2. Lemonade Diet Pills

Celebrities have been using the Lemon Cleanse or Master Cleanse for decades in order to achieve quick weight loss results and detoxify their bodies. The Lemonade Weight Loss Diet Pill has all the same natural ingredients as The Master Cleanse- Lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper.

But now all these ingredients have been conveniently combined into a weight loss pill – Lemonade Diet pill.

Try Lemonade Diet Pills

Weight Loss Products containing Psyllium husk

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laxatives popular

Cascara sagrada benefits for weight loss

HOW TO TAKE IT: Even though individuals get cascara sagrada to enable them to slim down, specialists firmly dissuade this use of the herb. Cascara sagrada needs to be utilized only to relieve severe constipation. For that purpose, it can be taken either with or without food. A typical dosage is 40 to 60 drops of tincture or extract in water in the morning and evening. The dried form (1 to 2 teaspoons) can be added to 8 ounces of boiling water and allowed to steep for 10 minutes. Package directions typically suggest drinking 1 to 2 cups per day on an empty stomach. The manufacturer suggests taking 1 to 2 capsules or tablets per day. Always take cascara with water.

SIDE EFFECTS: Cascara sagrada can cause diarrhea; discolored urine (yellow-brown to red); vomiting; dehydration; electrolyte imbalance; and stomach or intestinal cramps.

PRECAUTIONS: Herbal healthcare specialists advise that cascara is an extremely potent laxative and should only be used as a last measure for serious instances of constipation and shouldn’t be used with some other laxative. This is not to be taken if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, as it can pass into the breast milk. Avoid cascara if you have Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis; appendicitis; unexplained abdominal pain; or if you are taking any of the following medications: cardiac glycosides; antiarrhythrnics; thiazide diuretics; licorice; or corticosteroids. Use of cascara with a diuretic such as uva ursi or caffeine can cause dehydration and a loss of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, and calcium). If this mineral imbalance is not corrected, it can cause muscle ‘weakness and dangerous disturbances of heart rhythm.

Do not use cascara sagrada for longer than 8 to 10 days without initially talking to your physician. Prolonged use (2 weeks or more) can cause lazy bowel syndrome, meaning stool will not undergo the intestines with no chemical stimulation. Put simply, it can turn out to be habit-forming. Cascara sagrada might cause diarrhea; discolored urine (yellow-brown to red); vomiting; dehydration; electrolyte imbalance; and stomach or intestinal cramps.

PRECAUTIONS: Herbalists advise that cascara is an extremely powerful laxative and should only be used as a last resort for severe cases of constipation. Cascara should never be used with any other laxative. Do not take if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, as it can pass into the breast milk. Avoid cascara if you have Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis; appendicitis; unexplained abdominal pain; or if you are taking any of the following medications: cardiac glycosides; thiazide diuretics; licorice; or corticosteroids. Use of cascara with a diuretic such as uva ursi or caffeine can cause dehydration and a loss of electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, and calcium). If this mineral imbalance is not corrected, it can cause muscle ‘weakness and dangerous disturbances of heart rhythm. Do not use cascara sagrada for longer than 8 to 10 days without first consulting your doctor. Prolonged use (2 weeks or more) can cause lazy bowel syndrome, which means stool will not move through the intestines without chemical stimulation. In other words, it can become habit-forming.

Best Diet Pills containing Cascara sagrada


Bowtrol – This is the most effective colon cleansing product containing Cascara Sagrada, Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) , Flax Seeds and Senna.

Weight Loss Products containing Cascara sagrada

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Guar gum fiber benefits for weight loss

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Guar gum is a complex carbohydrate that isĀ derived from the seed pods of the guar tree, which is native to India and grown in the southwest United States. It is used as a laxative.

SOLD AS: Capsules and dietary fiber.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: Guar gum is an authorized emulsifier and a typical component to foods, such as low-fat cheeses and other low-fat dairy food. It was found in diet products until 1992, when the FDA prohibited its use in nonprescription diet products mainly because a number of individuals encountered an obstruction of their esophagus and gastrointestinal tract after while using product inappropriately. Researchers afterwards discovered that the people who had these blockages had not consumed enough liquids when taking the guar gum. With the passage of the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, nevertheless, guar gum is now generally recognized as safe (GRAS).

The scientific tests that have investigated guar gum happen to be small but have demostrated good success. Three were done in the 1980s and involved a total of thirty-seven subjects. At a dose of 20 grams per day, nine subjects lost an average of 9.4 pounds over 2 months, 21 lost 15.6 pounds over 2 1/2 months, and 7 lost 61.9 pounds over 1 year. A fourth study reported in ‘1994 showed an average loss of 5.5 pounds over 2 months while taking 15 grams per day.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: When guar gum get in touch with liquids, it forms huge, viscous mass, making people feel full. Additionally, it slows down fat absorption from your intestines.

DOSAGE INFORMATION: Manufacturers always recommend taking guar-gum supplements with a full 8 ounces of water. A typical dosage for capsules is up to four 500 mg daily. The usual dosage for the powder is 1 teaspoon in 8 ounces of liquid 1 to 3 times

SIDE EFFECTS: No side effects when taken as directed. See Precautions.

PRECAUTIONS: If you take guar-gum supplements with an insufficient amount of liquid, the gum may swell in your throat and cause a blockage. Always take the supplement with at least 8 ounces of water.

Weight Loss Products containing Guar gum

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Glucomannan for weight loss review

SOLD AS: Capsules.

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Laxative, Appetite suppressant. Glucomannan is extracted from the konnyaku root, which is in the yam family. It is a high-fiber, calorie-free substance that is also a good source of beta-carotene, thiamin, and minerals.. Glucomannan is also known as devil’s tongue and voodoo lily.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: Couple of research studies on glucomannan for weight reduction are already done; every one of them have included fifty subjects or less and have not been double-blind. In 1984, twenty obese patients got glucomannan before each meal for 8 weeks and did not modify their ingesting or exercise habits. After 8 weeks the mean fat loss was 5.5 pounds, and cholesterol levels had decreased substantially. Subjects in a 1989 study had more desirable results: after 8 weeks they lost typically 8.14 pounds. Severely obese patients in Italy who taken part in a 3-month study in 1992 documented that glucomannan was efficient and well tolerated. In one more Italian study, a team of obese children had positive weight-loss and a drop in their blood choleseterol levels also.

Glucomannan may also combat certain cancers in addition to keep heart attack and stroke in those who have diabetes. Some researchers declare glucomannan has these advantages since it puts a stop to the formation of plaque in the blood.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: The Japanese have long thought that glucomannan gets rid of poisons from the body over the intestinal tract. For hundreds of years; Asian women have reported that glucomannan has helped them stay slimmer. Glucomannan reportedly swells up to 50 times its volume when taken with a large (at least 8 ounces) glass of water, however some producers claim a 200-times increase in volume. The glucomannan then forms an insoluble gum in the stomach, which results in a feeling of fullness. Glucomartnan reduces fat content in the blood and alleviates constipation.

HOW TO TAKE IT: A typical dosage is 2 to 3 capsules with 8 ounces of water about 20 minutes before meals. Capsules typically are between 450 and 665 mg.

SIDE EFFECTS: Glucomannan reduces the body’s ability to absorb vitamin E and several other nutrients.

PRECAUTIONS: While taking glucomannan, ask your doctor to monitor your nutritional status because glucomannan binds with some nutrients and reduces their absorption. Experts recommend taking a multivitamin-mineral supplement while taking glucomannan.

Weight Loss Products containing Glucomannan

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Chickweed herb and tea for weight loss

SOLD AS: Dried bulk tea, capsules, tincture.

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: Chickweed is a diuretic, laxative, and Appetite suppressant. The plant is widely regarded as a bothersome weed and can be found growing around the world. It is also known as Adder’s mouth, satin flower, and starwort.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: Merely anecdotal proof is accessible to back up claims that chickweed will work for weight loss, yet it is widely used in dietary products. It is also high in vitamin C, and it can be eaten raw or cooked, as you would spinach. Elements in chickweed called saponin glycosides give this herb relaxing characteristics for both internal use and topical use for skin problems.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: Chickweed is rich in lecithin, an organic compound found in the cell membranes. Lecithin is a fat emulsifier, meaning it melts fats in watery fluids such as blood serum. It is believed that this enables the entire body to process and transfer body fat and thus help in weight loss, even though medical proof of this method is inadequate.

HOW TO TAKE IT: To make an infusion, professionals suggest pouring 16 ounces of boiling water over 1 ounce of dried chickweed and steeping for 15 minutes. The proposed dose is 3 or more cups daily. For the tincture, the advised dose is up to 60 drops in water daily. Chickweed can also be eaten raw in salads or cooked, like spinach. It is a rich source of vitamin C.

SIDE EFFECTS: No side effects are anticipated if you use this herb.

PRECAUTIONS: No precautions are associated with this herb.

Weight Loss Products containing Chickweed

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Appetite suppressants

Prozac fluoxetine for weight loss

Fluoxetine is an antidepressant, precisely a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which has FDA permission to treat depression, bulimia, and ocd. Many doctors, nevertheless, prescribe it. for losing weight, which is regarded as an off-label use. Offlabel use is the term for use that is not approved by the FDA or included or disclaimed on the approved labeling, but it does not imply improper or illegal use.

SOLD AS: Available in capsules, 10 mg and 20 mg; preparation also offered as a liquid.

RESEARCH: In 1999, a study by researchers at Columbia University in New York City found that fluoxetine decreased intake of food for about 4 months in nondepressed over weight people. However, the participants got back the weight they lost through the first few weeks of the study, even though their calorie consumption remained low: Theseresults appeared to confirm the previous conclusions by Lilly. However, Lilly is now creating a related compound, R-fluoxetine, for further uses, which includes weight problems. This fluoxetine product may be labeled as an obesity mediction.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: Scientists are not sure the reason why fluoxetine may help individuals lose weight. Some professionals think its antidepressant action helps those who have a tendency to overeat if they are depressed. Others say it reduces appetite or enhances the metabolism. Additional research is required to get this determination.

Fluoxetine should only be used while you are within the medical direction of your physician. The typical dosage for obesity is 20 mg taken 3 times daily. Preliminary amounts may be less, with a slow buildup to 20 mg per dose. Elderly people should begin with lower doses of 5 mg per day. Overall every day absorption for all people should not exceed 80 mg.

SIDE EFFECTS: The most prevalent side effects are fatigue; diarrhea; sweating; headache; insomnia; vomiting; nausea; thirst; and impaired sexual function.

PRECAUTIONS: People with diabetes, seizure disorders, renal or liver problems, or who are vulnerable to suicide should not take fluoxetine. Fluoxetine reacts with .other medications by either improving or lowering the outcomes of those drugs, including but not limited to; lithium; diazepam; trazodone; carbamazepine; hydantoin; and tricyclics, Alcohol needs to be avoided while taking fluoxetine.

Appetite suppressants

L-phenylalanine pills and weight loss benefits

WEIGHT LOSS PILL TYPE: L-phenylalanine is a nonessential amino acid, which means the body produces it. It is similar in its chemical structure to phenylpropanolamine (PPA), which has been removed from the market for safety reasons, but differs in how it affects the brain.

SOLD AS: Tablets, capsules, typically 500 mg. phenylalanine comes in three forms: L- , D- , and DL-phenylalanine. The L-form is the most common and is the one that may be helpful for obesity.

BACKGROUND/RESEARCH: The treatment of depression is one of the main uses for L-phenylalanine. However, studies show that L-phenylalanine levels are low in people who are obese, which suggests that supplementation with this amino acid may help with weight loss.

WHAT IS IT SUPPOSED TO DO: phenylalanine may suppress appetite because it promotes the production of cholecystokinin (CCK), a neurotransmitter that signals the body to stop desiring food.

HOW TO TAKE IT: Experts disagree on how to use L-phenylalanine and whether it is an effective Appetite suppressant. Some researchers recommend taking 100 to 500 mg before retiring; others say to take it before each meal. In either case, experts recommend never taking ‘L-phenylalanine for longer than 3 weeks without a break and only taking it while under medical supervision.

SIDE EFFECTS: At high doses (1,500 mg or more), L-phenylalanine can cause anxiety, increased blood pressure, and headache. Report any side effects immediately to your doctor.

PRECAUTIONS: Do not take L-phenylalanine if you are pregnant or nursing, if you get migraines, if you are allergic to food proteins (e.g., wheat, eggs, and meat), or if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or phenylketonuria (PKU, an inability to process L-phenylalanine). Avoid Lphenylalanine if you have existing malignant melanoma cells, as this amino acid can promote cell division. Taking L-phenylalanine supplements may cause an amino-acid imbalance or eye lesions. Therefore, it is best to take a general amino-acid supplement along with L-phenylalanine to help maintain amino-acid balance in the body.

Weight Loss Products containing L-phenylalanine

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